1509-1603: The Tudors

Henry VIII and his children (Royal Museums Greenwich)   The Tudors of England react to the printing press with censorship and crack down on libellers and freethinkers with harsh punishments.…

Episode XI: The Great Disruption Part II

In episode XI we continue to survey the wreckage after hurricane Luther was unleashed on Europe with the Reformation, with a superstar cast including Calvin, Servetus, Castillio, Acontius, Henry VIII,…

c. 1560: Witch hunts

Witch-burning in Saxony-Anhalt, 1555. Woodcut after original leaflet, Germanisches Nationalmusem in Nuremberg (Public Domain)   In the late 1500s, Europe is gripped with witch hysteria. An estimated 100,000 are accused.…

1184-1240: The Medieval Inquisition

The term ‘Medieval Inquisition’ covers series of inquisitions from 1184 to the 1230s.   Pope Lucius III opens the Episcopal Inquisition in 1184 to combat the heretical Cathars and Waldensians.…

1478: The Spanish Inquisition

Scene from an Inquisition by Francisco Goya, 1808-12   The Spanish Inquisition is initiated by Isabel of Castille and Fernando of Aragon in 1478. Around 150,000 are persecuted and 3-5,000 executed…

1415: The execution of Jan Hus

  Jan Hus at the stake. Spiezer Chronik, 1485   The Bohemian theologian Jan Hus is burned to death in Jena on July 6, 1415. The execution is a sign…

1521- : Cartoon wars

The pope’s birth according to an anti-Catholic pamphlet from 1545 (Public Domain)   Thanks to the printing press, the confessional wars of the Reformation become the first testing ground for…

1517: Luther and the Reformation

Luther at the Diet of Worms in 1521. Anton von Werner, 1877   Martin Luther is the first person to see his ideas go viral with the printing press. In…

c. 1450: The Gutenberg Revolution

Woodcut of early printing workshop (Public Domain)   Around 1448, the German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg (c. 1400 – 1468) gets a brilliant idea: He takes a printing press and breaks…

Episode X: The Great Disruption Part I

The disruptive effects of the internet and social media on the spread of information are unprecedented. Or are they? In episode 10 of Clear and Present Danger, we cover the invention,…